Holographic show and projection

We create unique holographic shows, transforming fiction into reality. We make you sure that audience won’t be able to recognize what is real and what is the hologram only. The most popular ones are: Holostage – turn-key crated stage extended by holograms, that provides highest expectation to transform fiction to reality. Holobox – specific holograph box or pyramid of various size from inches to several meters. Holographical projection inside the box can be combined with real objects. Holographical displays – special holographical displays that use holographical foil, glasses and screens or projectors to create the projection. Placing of those displays has basically no limits. They are very popular on exhibitions, expositions, events or receptions. Holographical stands are more and more popular on various events or exhibitions. It is a smaller version of Holostages that is composed into exhibition stands. Holographical propeller – Special LED propeller that use very fast rotation and digital LED lights to create hologram. Thanks to high speed rotation those propellers look invisible and audience can see the levitating holograph only. Those virtual objects can be combined with real ones, which makes it fascinate for all attendants of the evet. We create holographical show with fascinating 3D animations and records. Thanks to our show, the audience won’t be able to recognize difference between real object and hologram. Holographical projections are still at the beginning, but we are already able to make remarkable shows full of fascinating illusion for your clients.


•Holographical projection

•Holographical stands


•Holographical displays

•Holographical propellers

•Holographical foil

•Holographical gauze

•Holographical glasses

•Holographical animations and videos

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